Fighting Bucks Athletics

Hoke County High School

Boys Varsity Soccer

Game Summaries & Headlines.


Bucks soccer prepares for season with help from National Guard

2.0 years ago @ 11:54AM

The Hoke County Fighting Bucks soccer team has been going through its pre-season workouts preparing for its two scrimmage games before the regular season begins. Head Coach Colin McDavid had a surprise scheduled for them as a team-building activity. Local National Guard recruiters from the area came to campus to put the team through its paces. The National Guard led the players through the Army Combat Fitness Test. The players were led through a series of activities to gauge individual overall fitness. The players completed the deadlift, power throw, pushups, sprint-drag-carry, plank, and 2-mile run. Each event was given a score based on time or repetition. The combined total of all the events was the individual player's fitness score. The national guard will return near the end of the year to retest the players and see how the fitness of the team has improved. It was enjoyable to see the players work in groups and support each other as a team. The test is not easy and is very physically demanding.